The proper time for lighting the candles in the New York area go to click here.
The traditional way to light candles on Friday night is:

- Light the candles.
- Read the blessing from the paper (without looking at the candles).
- Close your eyes and say a silent prayer for whatever is important to you.
- Open your eyes, see the flame, and know you have added light to our world.
- Wish everyone a present, a good shabbos, or a Shabbat shalom
(a sabbath filled with peace). - Kiss your loved ones and remind them how much you love them.
Please save this for future weeks.
May the light of our collective candles brighten the world and warm our hearts.
May the one who watches over all protect our loved ones and us and grant us peace, health, and happiness.
NYPD Shomrim Society
Board of Directors
He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – may He bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Force, who stand guard over our land and the holy cities that are Yours from the border of Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea to the approach of the Arovah, on the land, in the air and on the sea. May He bless and protect the soldiers of the United States of America and our Allies, who risk their lives to protect and defend not only our borders but our right to Freedom and Democracy here on our land and wherever we are threatened. May He bless and protect the Police Officers of New York City and all Law Enforcement Officers and Agents of this great Nation who, at the risk of their own lives, protect the citizens of our city and this country from those who wish us harm. May He preserve and rescue all these courageous ‘Shomrim’ from every trouble, distress, plague, and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor. May He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse:
“For it is Hashem, your God, who goes with you to battle your enemies for you, to save you.”
Now let us respond: Amen